Rotator Cuff Exercises to Relieve Shoulder Joint Injury

If you lift something weight, it may cause the risk of joint injury. One of the joints with the highest risk of injury is shoulder. You need to do exercises, especially that relates to shoulder joint. If you have a shoulder joint injury, you can relieve it with some exercise. The exercises should be chosen wisely. There are many exercises that are recommended for you to relieve your shoulder joint injury. We will discuss about rotator cuff exercises in this article. If you have an injury on your shoulder joints, you can follow these exercises.

9 Rotator Cuff Exercises

1. Doorway Stretch

One of the rotator cuff exercises is doorway stretch. It is very effective to relieve your shoulder joint injury. You do not need to go to a gym to do this exercise. Then, you can do it anywhere, including at home. You can start by standing in front of a doorway. Hold the door frame with your hands. Stretch your shoulder by pulling your body forward so that your shoulder joints will be stretched as well. Read more

9 Best Torn Labrum Rehab Exercises

Doing physical activities are very important to keep your health. Different people may love to do different physical activities. The intensity is different. Too hard physical activities can cause torn labrum. It can be caused by falling and your holding position and happens on your shoulder. It will be very painful. You need to treat it as soon as possible before it gets worse. It can be treated with various ways. One of them is by rehab exercises. If you want to know more about torn labrum rehab exercises, you need to follow this article. Read more