How to Throw a Knuckleball with Different Methods

There are many techniques that you have to learn in a baseball game. You need to learn the techniques of throwing. There are many kinds of throwing ball in a baseball game. One of the best throwing techniques is knuckleball. It is a technique of throwing baseball where the ball is circled or rotated in the air. It creates a tricky ball direction and it is very interesting to learn. If you are interested in how to throw a knuckleball, you need to follow these tips below.

How to Throw a Two Knuckleball

There are 4 methods of throwing a knuckleball. The first method is 2 knuckles. It can be done easily. You need to hold the baseball with your fingers. Use two fingers to hold the baseball beneath the seam of the ball. As we know that a baseball has 4 horseshoe seam. It purposes to make you easier to hold and throw the ball. You should fold a little of both your index finger and middle finger so while the nails are behind the seam of the horseshoes. That is the first step how to throw a knuckleball. Read more